Monday, October 26, 2009


It bothers me that no one respects anyone's feelings anymore.

I blame this on the quest for individual identity.

People are so consumed with who they are and how they act and how they look and where they're going, that other people just become feedback in their self reflections.

Everyone is too focused on themselves to remember that other people matter just as much as they do.

That's why when I was in Oakland today and I didn't have a quarter, this old man started yelling at me and telling me I was a stupid fucking bitch. And that's fine. He's allowed.

It's just that no one considers how what they want affects anyone else. It only matters if it factors into getting what they want.

The truth is that people are allowed to be self-centered and disrespectful and oblivious.

It ends up being my problem for expecting something different.


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